NBR #38: Rituals - Prose

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NonBinary Review is currently open for submissions on the theme of RITUALS.

Often, when we think of rituals, we think of robed, hooded figures standing around a large symbol of power etched into the floor, trying to summon a deity who will grant them their every desire. At least, that's what Hollywood would have us believe. But the truth is that much of our lives is dictated by rituals. The Brushing of the Teeth, The Making of the Coffee, The Feeding of the Pets, The After-Work Drinks, The Watching of the Baking Show - we all have aspects of our lives where we insist on things being done just so, turning something otherwise mundane into a ritual. Rituals can be comforting, or they can be confining. They can help us make sense of our habits, and they can look strange to outside observers. 

We want the best speculative takes on ritual - weird rituals, unexpected rituals, little-known rituals. We want to hear not just how rituals are enacted, but where they come from, how they get started, and what unintended consequences happen as a result. 


Zoetic Press does not accept AI generated content. If our editors judge that your content is AI-generated, it will be declined. 

All submissions must have a clear relationship to our theme, and be double-spaced in 12pt Times New Roman or they will be rejected. NonBinary Review  pays 1ยข per word for prose with a limit of 3000 words.

If your work was accepted for Issue #36: Heredity or Issue #37: False Memories, we're sorry, but we cannot accept your work at this time (see our general guidelines.) 

We have different teams evaluating poetry, prose, and art. If you submit to the wrong genre, your submission will be declined.
    To submit Visual Art, use this link.
   To submit Poetry, use this link. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.